Thursday 29 May 2014

Added the sound effects manager. Spent ages trying to work out why it wouldn't play any sounds. Finally discovered the SoundPool is a bit choosy about the format and size of sound files it will play. Changed my sound to .ogg format and crunched it down a bit and it's all working fine now.

Monday 26 May 2014

I've also had a stab at a high-res version of the icon for when this finally goes up on Google Play

It's been a while so I thought I'd do a quick update. I've added a lot of the game functionality now. I have stacks of blocks that will collapse if you hit them. They are stacked in a hieratchy, so if you take out the bottom blocks, the whole lot will come down. This will form a sort of puzzle element where you need to drop some blocks to break them - I haven't fleshed that bit out yet. Also, got the level start sequence in place and the way the bonus stars appear in the arc of your swing if you are swinging in a nice rythm.

Started roughing out some ideas for the early tutorial levels. I'm going with a sketchy blueprint style as that seemed to fit. Still all WIP - hopefully I should have a complete level in the next week.

Monday 5 May 2014

Added the initial functionality for pickup bonuses and simple VFX. I had the idea that when the bonuses appear they will sketch themselves in. That's why there's all the sketch stars in the screenshot. It's a hand drawn animation which is a style I might adopt for other things. When they finish appearing they will take on a more solid form, but I haven't got round to that yet.

I've been having some issues with the garbage collector triggering more often than I'd like. I tracked one problem down to me creating a new matrix array everytime I drew a sprite - which was alot of matrices. I fixed that one, but there seem to be some less frequent ones still cropping up now. I'll track it down.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Added some placeholder music. I wanted to test if it had any impact on framerate. Seems ok at the moment. I fell into the trap of the garbage collector collecting the MediaPlayer and killing the music. Fixed by making the scope more global.

Also have a company name and logo: