Monday 8 September 2014

Finished! (sort of)

I've finally got to the point where I feel I can release the game! I won't say it's finished because there is so much I still want to add, but it has enough in it to call it a complete game. I want to keep a steady stream of new content coming for as long as people want it, the first update will be a new set of levels with a new theme. Following that I have a list of features I want to add like:

Moving grapple points
Breakable grapple points
New block types e.g. TNT
Animated backgrounds
etc. etc.

Whenever I add a new feature, I'll create a new set of levels using that feature.

Hopefully, if people play the game and like it, I'll get some feedback on what people want adding in the future.

The last thing to do is get it submitted to Google Play. When it's up on the store I think I'll write a full post-mortem of the development process.

This is the promo image I've prepared:

I might simplify the text a bit to make it more readable at smaller sizes.

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